I.D.E.A. Full Package
Create and Implement a custom plan to successfully hire employees with disabilities.
You can choose to start in one department or many.
The Full Process
Our plan is fully customized based on your needs and has four components:
- Identify – broad goals, available resources;
- Define – create measurable specific goals, time line, and trainings/resources needed to proceed;
- Empower – set the plan into motion with trainings and real life experiences;
- Assess – real time assessment and fluid changes to meet the companies’ needs.
1.) Free Consultation
The first step is a Free Consultation with CEO/C-suite management to define goals regarding hiring people with disabilities.
Free Consultation
2.) Identify
Identify current resources already existing in the company regarding hiring people with disabilities, identify fears, challenges, stereotypes needing to be overcome to be successful.
- Application process, accessible?
- color blind, captioned (video), screen reading etc.
- recruiting processes, re stating questions for disabled applicants, person first language, etiquette training
- Building accessibility
- Accommodation processes already in effect (training offered if needed)
- Self identification process (training offered if needed)
- Current trainings offered regarding disabilities (etiquette training mandatory)
- current new hire trainings and ongoing trainings
- job descriptions in areas company is wanting to hire

3.) Define
Create a plan for the company to reach the goals (I.D.E.A. Plan, (Identify, Define, Empower, Assess)
- Detailed plan with the following
- Goals for the company, including timelines, objectives and benchmark dates (SMART goals)
- summary of current practices re hiring people with disabilities
- Identify who company wants to hire (vets, physical dis, developmental dis, mental health etc.)
- Define resources needed
4.) Empower
Put the plan developed in the Define stage into action. This may include some or all of the following:
- Preparing to hire
- Trainings needed at all levels
- filling in gaps in existing procedures
- revamping job descriptions
- Trainings in areas of need that correspond with the above list
- development of processes to track success and evaluate processes
- create strategic trainings for new job descriptions
- Recruiting and creating strategic alliances with non profits
- Identify and make contact with organizations
- research their services, employment models etc
- Share job openings and start dialogue re clients they may have
- Tour of your company especially areas where you are hiring
- interview potential hires from orgs
- supported for on the job training of interviewer
- Onboard
- supported for on the job training of employee doing the onboarding
- Identify and make contact with organizations

5.) Assess
- Implementation of strategic training (in all departments identified)
- on the spot support for the trainer/employee
- Ongoing meetings with direct manager for clarification and trouble shooting
- Creating of ongoing support (support for disabled and non disabled employees) This phase can continue yearly for brush up trainings or development of new goals.
- facilitation of ERG groups until self sustained, then move to as needed
- Etiquette refresher (with ALL employees)
- Trainings for management as set out in goals
- ongoing support and consultation as needed (when hiring again, when expanding goals and projects, etc.)
- Celebration!
- Celebrate all successes!
Billing & Project Stages
This plan is billed in 2 stages: Stage 1 – Identify and Define; & Stage 2 – Empower and Assess.
The size of the company and how many locations/departments will be diversifying and the range/scope of company goals will define the amount of time and resources needed to accomplish goals.
This is unique to each company and its goals/plan.
No two plans are alike and all plans are designed on company needs and may have all or just some of the components listed above.
What People Are Saying
Amy has a lot of expertise, experience, innovative ideas, and compassion to bring to the organization – she is exactly the type of person who fits in with our culture, mission, and values.
Amy has excellent leadership qualities that can be transcended across multiple business industries and is both empathetic and passionate about working with adults with developmental disabilities.
Amy is intelligent, savvy, and an innovative leadership manager who manifests positive change in the work environment. Extraordinary leadership in diversity and creating customized programs.
Amy’s knowledge of services, laws, and advocacy needs for the disability community, as well as her dedication, social commitment, and professionalism, is excellent.
We're Here To Help!
Call Us
(619) 786-4076
San Diego, CA 92111
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